"Go deep into your true, authentic Ego. Then you realise you are nothing. After that you realise, that you are everything."
About me

My journey of discovery about human body, mind, and spirituality started 15 years ago. Everything i teach i first test and implement into my own life.
Each my session is a ceremony. So we mark into time and space this important event of healing and self- development. Every session is individually designed up to the needs. I'm energy worker and bodyworker. I heal through combination of word (consultation), touch (massage), Art, meditation, herbalism, energy (harmonising) and rewriting patterns that don't serve you anymore.
I am a rebel by nature. Talking about taboos and uncomfortable topics. My mission is to bring a light even into deepest darkness. That' s why i call myself also Hekaté - she is the goddess holding a torch in her hand to light our path. She is also the one who wanders the night to rescue lost souls, while bringing vengeance to those who defile her beloveds. Hekate is the Anima Mundi, the fiery spark that fuels of all the universe. An intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet. That' s why my philosophy and lifestyle is tantra. Because tantra teaches about universal forces and connectivity between all existence.
I call myself a feminist. Even though today, women are usually being called as feminists in a pejorative way. I believe in supportive relationships between women and i believe in women' s empowerment. That' s why i do also healing focused on woman' s health and i share my knowledge through my priestess trainings and art.
I learned numerous ayurvedic massage treatments and herbalism in Saatwika Ayurveda, Kerala, India and repeatedly spend time and attennded courses in The OSHO International Meditation Resort. Also i went through John Hawken's tantric training and psychotherapeutic counselling training in Prague.
I am singing since age of 5 . I won several opera singing competitions in my homeland - the Czech Republic but also in European competitions and I collaborated with a several projects and theatres like Theatre Karlin in Prague or State opera Prague, movies and music records. I'm singing opera and musical but I am also very interested in Folklore music and electronic music and fusion of styles.
When it comes classical music I like the fact that when I'm learning musical pieces a few hundreds years old, it is a way to show a respect to the composer and keep the piece alive and in memory of people even without social media. Also, it is a little window into the psyche and emotionality of our ancestors. And i love history. I actually love the fact that I don't need really any technology or even electricity. I just need some instruments, musicians, my voice and a room with good acoustics. Also, sometimes I like to pick maybe less famous pieces , but it is my way of sharing my music education and contributing in preservation of a certain musical pieces , to not be forgotten and also it is a way of educating and sharing culture and beauty.